Study Advice

10 Tips On How To Study At Home During The Holidays

By Moya Ellis - 4 minute read

When you are on holidays the change from the routine of school can be difficult to adjust to and the temptation to lie in bed or keep putting study off can mean getting focused is difficult. That’s why we’ve put together 10 tips that will help you study effectively at home over the holidays.

1. Get up early

Even though you may feel you study better at night don’t fall into the trap of burning the midnight oil and then rising at 11 or 12 the following day. The problem is that during the exams you ‘ll need to be alert and ready to go early each morning so try and stick to a sleep cycle that will suit this early start. 

2. Get any coursework finished

Lots of subjects have projects or course work that needs to be finshed. You really don't want to be putting the finishing touches on a project coming close to SACs so do your best to get all your project work out of the way as soon as possible. You will thank yourself believe me. 

3. Past papers are key

Now that the exams are only weeks away you should be turning your attention to looking at the types of questions you are likely to face. This way you will be able to see the remaining gaps in your knowledge. Get a Studyclix PLUS+ account, go through the past questions and then view the marking scheme to see how you would have done. Understanding what the examiner is looking for in their marking scheme can often be the difference between an A and a B. 

4. Sort your room out

The last thing you want the night before an exam is to be tidying your room to find some missing notes. Take a couple of hours now to get your study area in order so that you know where everything is. If possible try and make your study area distraction-free. Your parents can help here by getting noisy brothers or sisters to keep the noise down near you. 

5. Take regular breaks

The human brain is not designed to stay concentrated on one task for hours on end so this means taking breaks actually helps you study better!  Try and break up your study into blocks similar to the school day and take bigger breaks around lunch and dinner time. 

6. Get moving

It’s very common to start feeling really drowsy after a long period of study. One of the best things you can do is to get the blood flowing by doing some exercise. Whether it’s walking the dog or running, getting your heart rate up will wake you up by increasing blood flow to the brain and you’ll also feel way less stressed afterwards.


7. Eat Well

Lots of students forget to eat properly in the run up to exams. Relying on caffeine or sugary drinks is not a good way to be studying. Try to drink plenty of water and eat proper balanced meals, so that you're not snacking constantly.


8. Sleep, Sleep, Sleep

When we asked repeat students for their advice having done the exam last year one thing that kept coming up was the importance of getting good sleep. Sleep is really important as it helps you relax and research has shown your mind actually organizes and stores new information as you dream. The exams are not a sprint but a marathon. You will be writing non-stop for up to 6 hours a daily, day after day. A teenager should be getting at least 8 hours sleep per night so try and stick to this if you’re not to burn out. 

9. It’s good to talk… sometimes

If you’re feeling stressed it’s definitely a good idea to talk to your friends but try and do so only during your study breaks. While you are studying turn your phone off and try to avoid Facebook and other social media. Constantly replying to messages and checking Facebook will half the amount of work you get done.  If you've any questions, remember your teacher is still in school and will be happy to help you out.


10. Just do it

You are now in the lucky position where you can still influence the grades you score in these exams. There is no point standing outside your principal’s office when you have just received your results wishing you had studied a bit more. How you do is still in your hands. Everything you study in the next week or two will still be fresh in your mind so is more likely to be remembered. Just do it!


Please get in touch if you have any questions!!