Study Advice

12 Last Minute Study Tips

By Gabrielle Juschiute - 3 minute read

Do you have a lot of study to do in a short amount of time? If so, here we’ve put together some tips on how you can maximise your study time in order give yourself the best chance of doing well in your exams.

1. Comparison is rejection

Regardless of where you are in your studies, try to avoid comparing yourself with your classmates. This is never a good idea for two reasons:

  • If they are doing more than you, you’ll end up feeling bad about yourself.

  • If they are doing less than you, you’ll get complacent.

2. Make a plan

With up to 10 subjects to cover it’s important not to leave anything out. Get a big sheet of paper and plan out your schedule week by week. Make sure to give your weakest subjects more time and do not prioritise any one subject at the cost of others.

3. Practice, practice, practice

Active study is key. Don’t just sit there reading notes or books over and over. Get out your exam papers or even better upgrade to a studyclix PLUS or PREMIUM account and test yourself on real exam questions.

A fun way of gauging how much you know is trying out some Studyclix Quizzes. Our quizzes are divided by topics and can help give you an idea of how well you know a certain topic and what you still need to work on.

4. The early bird catches the worm

Some people study better early in the morning. If get up early on a Saturday, then you’ll have half a day’s work done by breakfast. This is a great way of reducing stress as you’ll finally feel like you’re getting lots done. Try it, even just once!

5. Mnemonics are your friend

A mnemonic is using a set of words to help you remember a more difficult set of words. For example, Dad’s Silly Triangle is often used to remember the Distance Speed Time formulae.

6. It’s good to talk

Group study can be a really good way of getting through some difficult topics. Get a friend to test you on a particular topic and you’ll find that it’s way easier to remember something when you have communicated it with someone else. Being social is also really good for reducing stress levels. 

7. Take a break

Humans were not designed to concentrate for hours on end. Your study will be much more productive if you do it in lots of short bursts rather than long marathon sessions. Watch your favourite TV programme or read a book, whatever helps you unwind. Just make sure you go back to your desk before too long!

8. The internet - friend or foe?

If you’ve got as far as sitting down to study you may as well switch off all distractions. That means checking Instagram, texting or scrolling through Tiktok should be avoided until your breaks.

However, the internet can be really helpful if you use it correctly! For example, websites such as Studyclix can make studying way easier. 

9. Get organised

Get your notes in order as soon as possible! The last thing you want is to be wasting time looking for revision materials the night before the exam.

10. Get to know the marking schemes

Understanding how marks are awarded can bring you up by a grade. Try a few questions on Studyclix and then reveal the marking scheme. You will quickly learn how to improve your answering technique.

11. Practice for the aurals

Students often think that they cannot practice for the listening tests in the languages. Studyclix’s Aural Exam Tool lets you listen to audio clips, answer the questions and then reveal the marking scheme to see how you would’ve done. You’ll find the Aural Exam Tool by clicking the topic “AURALS” in any language.

12. Positive thinking

Being in a positive frame of mind makes a big difference when studying. Remind yourself of how much you have done already. Self confidence is one of the most important ingredients for doing well!

In conclusion...

Even if you are behind your study schedule, doing a little bit of study is better than doing none at all. We're wishing you the best of luck and get in touch if you have any questions!!