1. Avoid Distractions
Having your phone or laptop beside you while you’re studying is the number one distraction you’re going to have, especially if you’re getting Snapchat, Facebook and WhatsApp notifications all day long. If you don’t need it, just get rid of it from the room you’re studying in. You’ll be able to focus on the subject/topic better if it’s the only thing in front of you demanding your attention.
Yes, the temptation to look at your phone is hard to resist, but it’s only a short sacrifice you have to make and it’ll be worth it when you get higher marks. For those of you who need your phone as a watch, either put your phone on Airplane Mode while studying or else download an app like “Keep Me Out” which locks you out from your phone for a selected period of time. It's not always necessary to completely isolate yourself from social media, just ensure that your dedicating enough time to study, and only study, not mix the two between each other.