Automatic and controlled processes:
If you're doing VCE Psychology 3/4 this year, you probably already know this but automatic processes are tasks that are simple to do and don't take much effort, for example brushing your teeth. In contrast, controlled processes are tasks that are hard to do and need selective attention, such as completing a hard puzzle. Obviously when you first learn something, it'll be a controlled process but you want to be able to get to a stage where completing questions become an automatic process. This comes from doing lots and lots of practice!
If you want to learn higher level questions, the simple questions need to become an automatic process. If this is not the case then when you're faced with a simple algebra question 12x=4, in which you have to learn to divide both sides by 4, your mind will be still trying to work out 12 divided by 4 and you could forget that the actual goal was to find x. If you have a large, multi-step question, it is absolutely essential that the simple questions become an automatic process.