Our experience working with hundreds of schools each year has shown that, like most things, studying is about building good habits. 

Getting students set up and encouraging them to use Studyclix is the first step in this process.  Below are some recommendations and a checklist that will set your students up for success in their VCE exams.

1. Spread the word to students

✂️ Copy & paste the below message ✂️

We have just set up Studyclix Premium access for VCE students. Studyclix.com.au is Victoria’s most popular VCE study website and helps you revise using past exam questions, videos, notes, quizzes, flashcards and much more. To get started, you can create or log in to your own account on Studyclix with your school email and your upgrade will already be available at no charge.

For more information, visit www.studyclix.com.au/for-students 

If you have any queries, you can contact the Studyclix support team at hello@studyclix.com.au who will be able to help.

2. Spread the word to parents

✂️ Copy & paste the below message ✂️

We have just set up Studyclix Premium access for students at the school. Studyclix.com.au is Victoria’s most popular VCE study website and helps students revise using past exam questions, videos, notes, quizzes, flashcards and much more. To avail of the offer, students can create or login to their own account on Studyclix with their school email and the upgrade will already be available on the account at no charge.

For more information, visit www.studyclix.com.au/for-students 

If you have any queries, you can contact the Studyclix support team at hello@studyclix.com.au who will be able to help.

3. Inform teachers of their access

✂️ Copy & paste the below message and include your school's teacher access code in the area in bold ✂️

Teachers have free access to a Studyclix Premium account. Studyclix.com.au is Victoria’s most popular VCE study website and helps students revise using past exam questions, videos, notes, quizzes, flashcards and much more. Teachers can use Studyclix to create exams and auto-corrected quizzes and get access to great teaching resources such as topic-specific flashcards, videos and more. Teachers at our school can use the code [code for teachers] to avail of your Premium account. Please note: [code for teachers] is not your password. It is the code to upgrade your account after you log in.

For more information, visit www.studyclix.com.au/for-teachers 

If you have any queries, you can contact the Studyclix support team at hello@studyclix.com.au who will be able to help.

If you haven't already, make sure to avail of your free remote teacher training as part of your licence. We can deliver a 30-minute presentation about Studyclix at your next staff meeting and answer any questions teachers have. Contact us at schools@studyclix.com.au to book in.

For more guidance and information for teachers, visit www.studyclix.com.au/for-teachers 

Click here to access our teacher blog post on how they can incorporate Studyclix in their everyday classes

4. Print the posters

You will have received an A4 PDF poster for both students and teachers. Each contains the relevant upgrade instructions and should be shared, printed and put up in classrooms, corridors and the staffroom.

We do not recommend putting the poster or your school's specific upgrade details on your school website. Instead, publish information about how the school has purchased a licence and ask parents and students to get in touch for how to avail of it.

5. Add Studyclix to your school website

Put the Studyclix logo and linking to Studyclix using the below icon options will remind students and parents of their access as well as publicly highlighting your school's commitment to ICT investment.

We do not recommend putting the poster or your school's specific upgrade details on your school website. Instead, publish information about how the school has purchased a licence and ask parents and students to get in touch for how to avail of it.

Click here to download a zip file of assets (461KB)

Click here for a guide on how to use the assets on your website

6. Important information for domain level upgrades

  • Their upgrade will be active the next time they log in
  • If they have an account using their personal email address, they can update their address in their account settings
  • Make sure to whitelist @studyclix.com.au on your school's network
  • Even though the upgrade is automatic, we still encourage you to let your school community know about the investment you've made by following the guidelines for spreading the word.

If any students or teachers have questions or need support, they can contact our support team directly by emailing hello@studyclix.com.au or by clicking the chat icon on the bottom right of Studyclix. Our support team is available 7 days a week and will have all the details of the licence and the student's account.

If you have any questions about your licence, please email schools@studyclix.com.au.