What's changed?
Studyclix has a whole new look and feel.
We've made some great improvements and can't wait to show you around!

New home page
Select the subject you want to study from the home page.
View questions, quizzes, notes & videos or community posts on each topic.

Discussions are now Community.
You can now post discussions on a subject or topic level, and comment on uploaded resources.

New Menu
We removed some clutter from the old layout for a cleaner look.
Use this menu in the top left to find your way around.

Personalise your study
You can mark questions as done or add great videos or notes as favourites to come back to.

Now you can now save questions for later.
Use Collections to build a practice exam, or to group questions together that you plan to revise.
Common Questions
Please try a few of the following troubleshooting options. If they don't work, contact us with your account details and we'll try to solve the problem asap!
- Change browser. Our site works best on Google Chrome so we recommend using that.
- Clear your cache and cookies. Sometimes the issue will disappear once you clear these.
- Check that you are using the right account. Some people have more than one account without realising and one of the accounts is not fully set up and is more prone to errors/issues.
If that does not fix it, please contact us immediately as it could be a site-wide issue that we would like to resolve to straight away.
Please check that your email and password are correct. You can use the show-password functionality on our login screen to ensure you are entering the correct password. Please also check that you are using the correct email address and have not used another one by accident.
If that does not solve it, try resetting your password from the login page.
If you're still having trouble, contact us at hello@studyclix.com.au.
You can edit your subjects in Account Settings. Click your avatar in the top right corner and select 'Account Settings'. Scroll down to 'My Subjects' and click 'Edit'.
If you're unable to change your subjects, send us an email at: hello@studyclix.com.au.
Use the subject buttons on the dashboard to view the topics on each subject. Select a subject, then topic to view all questions, videos & notes and Community posts on that topic.
For students, we've turned 'Exam Builder' into Collections. You can build practice exams exactly like before by group questions together into 'Collections'.
Why the change? In future, you'll be able to group useful resources into 'Collections' as well, so it'll be easy to 'save things for later'.
Teachers still have access to Exam Builder from the homepage, Assessments and the main menu.
The old 'Discussion' forum has been changed into Community, which you can find on your dashboard, in any subject/topic or using the menu at the top-left.
You can now post discussions on a subject/topic level and comment on an uploaded resource.
There are two places you can find them. The easiest way that we recommend is clicking into the topic page that you want videos/notes on (home>click a subject>click a topic). Here, you'll see a tab at the top of the screen saying 'videos and notes' - you can find the available resources on that topic here.
Alternatively, you can head to the Community page and filter down through the menu there to find discussions, videos and notes on any subject or topic.
If the explanations above don't help you, feel free to send us a chat using the icon in the bottom-right corner of the website or send an email to: hello@studyclix.com.au
Please let us know if you have any feedback.
We are aware that there are a few initial technical glitches with the new website but we're working hard on fixing them.
If you have any overall thoughts on the new layout, we'd love to hear them. You can email hello@studyclix.com.au.